Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Art Brut at Skin&Bone

    Lionel Fahy from "Out of Step" in France is one of the leaders in the Art Brut style of tattooing which has been sweeping the French underground scene. The term Art Brut was originally used by Jean Dubuffet to describe art which is beyond normal aesthetics. To some, the spontaneity and energy of this style is often mistaken for being simple or crude... while nothing could be further from the truth.

   Along with fellow artists, Yann Black, Cy Wilson and Noon... Lionel has developed a complex series of iconagraphical images which reappear throughout his work and speak as loudly as any Old School motif from a bygone age.The nievity of subject matter combined with bold graphics is contrasted by the spontaneity and experimentation of technique used... bringing these otherwise flat figures to life. Words just cannot describe his work!
 When not travelling, tattooing, producing art or playing in his band... Lionel is found at home with his family, wife and 5 children, who are generally credited with much of his inspiration :-)
   Lionel will be in Scandinavia from the 31 of March until the 11th of April and will be a Guest Artist at Skin&Bone in København
Lionel can be contacted via his homepage at


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