Saturday 23 June 2012

St Petersburg

   I just wanted to inform everyone that I am finally home from the former Soviet Republic. The reports of my exile and detention, (although true) were slightly exaggerated. I would like to thank Dmitry for giving me asylum during the ordeal and Maria for organizing my eventual escape from behind the Iron Curtain.

I would also like to thank all of Nannas friends for alleviating her fears by coming with even more elaborate scenarios J

The Skytten King at the Hermitage

What is left of his tattooed skin

Close up of one tattoo

The man I came to see and talk to
One of his tattoos, not visable and only recently discovered
One of my meager efforts at copying a Pazyryk tattoo about a decade ago at Lejre
Although I was copying the Ram design, I tried to recreate it as I thought it might have been... in all reverence to the original artist and bearer.
The designs are on 2500 year old mummified skin... shrunken and dried. I took some liberties rounding out the spirals and giving the design more negative space and room to grow. I only hope it will look as good in 2500 years :-)

Another Pazyryk design in mirror image to face forward on the clients body.
 I did this about 12-15 year back :-) 

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