Saturday, 11 August 2012

Tatuaz Nr 42 2012 (Poland)

Tatuaz from Poland has always been one of my favorite tattoo magazines. Thick, square bound back, high quality paper and excellent layout and print quality... a luxury magazine within the tattoo world.
Thomasz Madej is the ethnographic correspondant and writes a column on vanishing tribes and historical cultural tattooing. My work is a little more modern than that which he typically documents, however we have talked on several occasions during the years and he always showed an interest and support for what I've been trying to do for cultural tattooing.
Thanks Thomasz :-)  

1 comment:

  1. It's so great to see a Polish magazine here! :-)
    (especially that there is my corset on the cover :-) - sorry I needed to boast-I'm still excited about it!
