Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Haida Tattoos done using traditional hand tools

"Haida" is the common term given by tattooists to the Native American Tribes of Canada's North West Coast which also include the Tsimshian, Tlingit and Kwagiutl, amongst others. Over my years of working and visiting with these tribes from my homeland, I've developed my own style and interpretations of their art work. I maintain the thick graphic linework and then balance it with softer shaded forms without contours. When possible, I prefer to do these tattoos using my hand tools which are very similar to those used traditionally by the Haida.
Although I am inspired by these motifs from my homeland I get very little opportunity to tattoo them and do not consider myself an expert in the style. Furthermore I use a technique and style which is anything but tradtional. However Robert Davidson once said, "Tradition which stands still will eventually die" and as an artist I find it more rewarding to "create" rather than "re-create" a style :-)
This year I've had the opportunity to to create some larger pieces using only hand tools and I hope that this will continue :-)

Haida Raven inspired by a traditional design

Peter started with a Eagle on his shoulder... then years later a Dogfish on his forearm. The Dogfish was added to with a Whale and Turtle to create a band around his forearm. However by that time he was continplated a full sleave... so other animals were added to fill the space between and around. Finally a Devilfish around the wrist and a Wolf over the shoulder.
This sleave wasn't planned originally so it is a little bit of a patchwork... however the Haida style lends itself well as the animal patterns are very abstract and can be twisted to fit any area you desire

 Closeup of me tattooing an old Haida tattoo design using an Inuit sewing technique now extinct.

The finished design after 6 hours... Inge Mette is a rock :-)

Custom Frog I tattooed at a convention in Stockholm last year
I'm working on a design around an old piece of Tribal. A Salmon below will be accompanied by an Eagle above in the New Year

Start of an Eagle chest piece to be completed next year

Finally a Mountain Goat around some previous work. We will be adding a Dogfish to the other side as well as Eagle and Herron heads at the top above some wings already there.

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