Sunday, 10 March 2013

Artistic Process

It's been a relatively productive week although due to the size of the projects I'm working on recently it leaves me with little to show in the way of photos. Continued a few while I finished and started others... Enjoy :-)

 The Haida backpiece continues... finished the Mountain Goat and will start a Dogfish on the otherside very soon.. All this work is done using traditional hand tools similar to those used by the Haida... although I've developed my own style using the dotwork technique :-)

 Finally got to continue on a "Colinesian" project I started over a year ago. Again, all work by hand :-)

Started on a little more naturalistic version of Sleipner this week... if an 8 legged horse can be called naturalistic :-) I measured this design against others I started recently and Kim's thigh is actually bigger than some backpieces I'm working on :-)

Finished up this Swedish Rune Dragon after 3 visits. The armband below was done by my mentor Erik a few years back

And finally we continued the Yggdrasil & Nidhugg backpiece. Used some very large dots in the dragon and to give the skin a rougher texture of a subterranian reptile. I used the same technique in the acorns to give the design a little balance... now we just have to do the tree
Stay tuned :-)

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