Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Acquisitions, Paris/Easter 2013

Well... we took a much needed trip to Paris for Easter.
No machines, no conventions... just vacation :-)
Sunshine, galleries , cafés, bookshops and antique stores

Loki with popcorn in hand at the bottom of the "Gaffel Tårn"

Bought this book many years ago when visiting the Muséum National D'histoire Naturelle in Paris. This museum has one of the greatest collections of sketetons I have ever seen and is situated in the Jardin royal des plantes médicinales (Royal Medicinal Plant Garden)

A view as you enter the main hall

Claire gave me a few of her Curio Cabinet books... it was a great inspiration for my own collection

and a second book

This is one of my own books of eight collectors of curios... several Russian collections included

The Musée de quai Branly had an excellent exhibition on Paul Jacoulet's woodcut prints and water colours. He travelled thoughout Japan and Indonesia recording alot of now lost tattooing designs. The exhibition was co-coordinated by Sebastien Galliot who I met in Frankfurt the previous week and suggested I take it in. Aside from having a play in the number of tattoo images used, Sebastien also wrote the chapter on tattooing for the exhibition book :-)

If you are familiar with "Hey" magazine which focuses on modern and pop art you can just imagine the type of work displayed at the second exhibition they have curated in the last few years. This years show was like a "who's who" of artists inspirational to modern tattooing. Windsor McCay, Joe Coleman, H.R. Geiger and Jack Kirby along with photos by Herbert Hoffman and paintings of Mike Davis were just a few of the dozens of artists represented at the Musée de la Halle St Pierre

Unfortunately the exhibition forbid taking photos... so we bought the book :-)
Luckily we were taking the train this time, as we went well over our carry on weight allowance

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