Saturday, 1 June 2013

Artistic Process: Machine Tattooing

Well just so you don't think I've thrown away my machines... here are a few projects I'm working on


 Finished up some double dragons on a client I haven't seen in 12 years or more

 Only got about an hour and a half in on Kim's Sleipner project... but he has another appointment next week :-)

 Continued Melusine on my Italian client.
I really wanted to get this done but after about 5 hours he was twitching too much to put in the hatch shading so he's gonna have to come over again so we can finish it :-(

Continued Sune's Yggdrassil backpiece... only a couple hours at a time. Outlined the roots and the tail of the dragon this session... now we just have to fill it in next week :-)

Keefer made it back from England for the second session on his double dragon leg sleave. Due to the distance it is a little long between sessions... however he sits like a rock and we can easily do 7-8 hours straight. I opted for the Honeycomb pattern in the larger dragon, however I put it in sidways to give it a bit of a "Colinga" feel :-) 

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