Thursday, 22 May 2014

Pazyryk & Scythian Mummy Tattoos

Well I'm off to Russia again and was inspired to do a blog on the Scythian mummies and their tattoos... however I didn't get very far.
I'll try to add more text later... but until then here is a little peak :-)


 Mummy from the Hermitage
He was uncovered back in the 40s, however his tattoos were discovered only in the last decade due to laser photography 

Some of his tattoos

 The Scythian King

 Mummy tattoos from the Hermitage

 Close up of one of the tattoos

My version of the same tattoo

Other tattoos from the Scythian King at the Hermitage

Great reference material and rather rare

Mummy tattoo at Lejre many years ago

 Another mummy tattoo by hand, by me, at Lejre... above another mummy tattoo by machine, by another artist 

Design by Kai... tattooed by me, on Kai

Best Tribal Second Place
St Petersburg Tattoo Convention 2013
As there are no recorded wolf tattoos on any of the mummies I had to go to other sources and art for the inspiration

The inspiration for the design

Kiri... an achaeology student and Pazyryk Princess


  1. thank you for sharing those great photos!!!

  2. Absolutely wonderful story and tatoos. I just saw these ancient tattoos,some days ago and made myself my first tattoo, which luckily is going fine. I love all your Celtic tattoos but I haven't seen these ones, really great work.

  3. hey can u say that where people found the thing in the third pic? it's about my final homework and it's really important for me, thanks
