Friday, 12 September 2014

Burn & Pillage Tour 2014: Moesgaard

We moved on to Moesgaard for the last leg of our tour. A great way to end our holidays as we get a good spot right on the beach and the market opens for the public first on the weekend, so we have a couple days of relaxing before the show begins

Weapons Check!
Sometimes the simplest tattoos are the most fun
Done on Daniel from Austria

Daniel... armed and dangerous

 Daniel's girlfriend Natalie gets a shield maiden armband.
I always love the ideas these two come up with... simple but clever :-)

Finished up Phillip's forearms

Design based on a find from the Sutton Hoo burial

Continued Lars' Haida sleeve project.
The four designs representing the elements Earth, Air, Fire and Water are in place. We are now going to add geometric patterns to fill the negative spaces between... birds from above, fish from below.

Even had some time to get a tattoo of my own from Jørgen Kristiansen based on a design from an Icelandic Galdrabók with a few additions by Loki.
I often get requests for these types of "Viking" designs by re-enactors... specifically the Agirshjelm (Helm of Awe) and Vejviser (Compass) designs. However these designs originate from books of Icelandic witchcraft from the 16th-18th Century and often use the name of Jesus, the saints and apostles to envoke the power. Sort of a heathen/christian crossover the likes of Voo Doo in Haiti. Very powerful symbols... but not Viking in origin :-)

In Old School tattooing there are several designs that have become so iconic as to warrent their own name. "The Rock of Ages", "Man's Ruin", "Homeward Bound", "Pharoah's Horses" and "Sailors Grave" are merely a few. Here we have an "Ancient School" version of the "Old School" design called "Duel in the Sun" which features 2 eagles in aereal combat 

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