Sunday, 25 January 2015

Feathers of Inspiration: Book Review

I've written  previously on Jinxi Cardell's new book "Feathers of Inspiration" which I am proud to be featured in pictures as well as words in one of their "Artist Spotlights.
Here is a short review of the book in Z-Tattoo #24


And again for the Swedish impaired...

Feathers of Inspiration

   When Jinxi Caddel embarked on her “Inspirations” series several years back no one could have anticipated what a success it would be. Her first book “Eight Arms of Inspiration” was a personal project dedicated to cephalopod inspired art and her love for these creatures.  The books success and the creation of her independent publishing firm ‘Out of Step Books’ meant that she soon would embark on another project, ‘Antennae of Inspiration’… a tribute to insect inspired art and tattoos.
   Jinxi believes in what she is doing. Initially having had no intentions of even making a profit means that “Out of Step Books” now donates a portion of its profits to sponsoring art supplies to needy public schools. This in itself has led to a large following of artists donating work to help the cause.
In recent years the popularity of Jinxi’s books has grown, as have the submissions, with hundreds of artists all vying for a spot in her publications.  Her new publication, "Feathers of Inspiration" is a tribute to avialan inspired art. The submissions to this project were so overwhelming that they had to split it into 2 volumes... one for tattoos and the other for paintings, drawings and mixed media art.
Among the hundreds of artists and thousands of photos represented in these books there are also a couple dozen interviews or “artist spotlights” which features work which stands out above the norm.    Amongst these big international names Scandinavia is proudly represented by Colin Dale of Skin&Bone in Copenhagen and Nick Morte from Lucky Seven in Oslo. Colin’s spotlight centers around his Haida Indian designs which are tattooed using traditional hand tools and his efforts to inspire the native population to begin wearing these designs again. Nick’s spotlight examines the creative and technical process of creating one of his paintings for this publication. Nick incidentally, has also created the poster for the new Copenhagen International Tattoo Convention next year… so keep an eye out for that as well.
    Other Scandinavian artists represented are Biomechanical master Gunnar Foley from Imperial Tattoo in Stockholm, Old School tattooist Frej Lind from Royal Arch Tattoo in Västerås, as well as the Neotraditional work of Amina Charai from Brightside Tattoo and Chicho Calveila at Tigre Tattoo both in Copenhagen.
Feathers of Inspiration is a limited edition of only 750 sets

Feathers of Inspiration
Out of Step Books Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-985846-3-2

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