Saturday, 7 February 2015

Artistic Progress: Some new projects

Recent Nordic work
Something old... something new


Finished up a Swedish Runestone Dragon sleeve with a prayer to Thor and Odin we fit into the three dragons. On a client who flew in from Sweden... barely got the photos taken before his taxi to the aeroport arrived.

Bends nicely at the elbow

A shitty photo montage
Hope you get the idea :-)

 A "Blood Gods Mask" depicting Loki... mouth sewn shut with a poisonous serpent placed between his eyes.

 Start of a project with Loki's Children... The Fenris Wolf, Midgaards Serpent and Hel placed under the bicep holding both of their tails. A client from France who drove 1000 km each direction the same day

 A continuation of a sleeve around some older tattoos on a Danish soldier incorporating a couple historical designs of his choosing. Here Sigurd is doing battle with the dragon Fafnir

 and St George and the dragon above
(forgive the red marker... but I didn't want to rub him down in alcohol at this point :-)

 A Swiss client who wanted a tattoo for her son representing a wolf. There is a saying in Swiss about giving your children roots to ground them but wings that they may fly... so came the raven wings and the three roots of Yggdrasil below. The wings circle each side of the elbow symetrically and bend with it.

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