A little collection of Blood God figures I've been working on the last while
Some are my interpretation of historical sources while others are of my own design.
Either way, we are trying to tell a story and breath new life into the old symbols
The Venus of Lespugue
Not my design... ;-) but based off of a Ivory figurine from the Paleolithic era
A Paleolithic Pinup

Tyr tattooed by hand on Tyr's Day, on an American client living in Saudi Arabia
And the Fenris Wolf bound on the other forearm the following day... looking forward to filling these next year
Rune text wrist band was done by Just Sofie at the beginning of the week and was a little scabbed up by then
This is a continuation of a Ragnarok project on Søren. Several years back we did Odin fighting the Fenris Wolf on his ribs and Hugin&Munin on his shoulder. Now it was time to add Thor battling the Midgaards Serpent on the rest of the leg. Søren is formerly in the military, so images of "The War to End All Wars" spoke to him
Images of the Jelling Stone raised by Harold Blue Tooth with some freehand serpents as a space filler... tattooed by hand
An image of Brynhilde of my own design
Brynhilde was a shield maiden and valkyrie as well as the main character in the Völsunga saga and later in Wagner's opera, Der Ring des Nibelungen. Tattooed by hand on a kinsman born in the same region in Germany
Thor in his wagon pulled by his two goats Tannngrisnir&Tanngnjóstr do battle with the Midgaards Serpent... finally finished. Hope to get some healed photos at a later point
Cernunnos from the Gundestrup Caldron tattooed on a French Archaeologist using only hand tools
With some simple line figures between the lines of the serpent
Frost Giant also tattooed by hand
Lovely to see the evolution of the pieces, the technique, and the style. As always your sense for placement shines, but it is the dimensionality created by the dotting that is the hallmark of your work, that makes it uniquely yours. Well done ! ---- Pat Fish
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