Monday, 13 November 2017

Burn&Pillage Tour 2017: Lejre

Lejre is always our highlight of the year. 
A meeting of family and friends outside the constrains of a tattoo studio.
Our second home as well as one of the first places to open up about Cultural Tattooing and has allowed us to experiment using prehistoric tools and techniques for the last 18 Summers

I tattooed Sonny many years ago and have since tattooed most of his family... so it was only suiting that I tattooed his wife as well while they were visiting from New Zealand

Did a matching boundrune on them both as well as an extra little rune on his wife

Lejre by Night

A second Pictish Bear for Jacob commemorating his two sons... both of which are named Bjørn as their middle name.

Birgitte got a little addition and coverup on her forearm to compliment a larger piece of Inuit inspired tattooing we did on her calf a few years ago 

Loki and his Frost Giant Hammer

A woman's place is in the kitchen ;-)

Chris is a tattoo collector who travels the world getting tattooed by different traditional artists and techniques. When he was in Hawaií he was tattooed by my friend Pili Moó using the Polynesian Tatau technique. Moó mentioned my work to him and he came to get some Inuit sewing on his forearm. We will be continuing this at a later time as the sewing technique is much more time consuming than Tatau

Continued a little more on Maria's Yggdrasil project.
Maria is an archaeologist who used to work in the Stone Age area of Lejre and who I have been tattooing for close to 20 years. Finally decided she was old enough for a handpoked backpiece

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