Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Firenze Tattoo Convention 2012

Well Florence was quick and hard this year... didn't have Nanna and Loki along so it was just in and out again, but next year we're hoping we can send a few extra days again. Started my journey at 06:00 to get out to the aero-port... spend only about 3 hours in the air but about 12 hours in transit :-( Worked the next 3 days non-stop as the convention ran until 03:00 in the mornings. I didn't get more than 12 hours sleep the entire weekend. But I did get to do a couple of projects I was pretty pleased with as well as spending some some time talking to Peter and Kirsty Lard Yao and Fiumix who I haven't seen since last year. I was also great after a hard workday just relaxing and having dinner with Travelling Mick, Sana xxx and Lars Krutak :-) Dinner on Sunday ended at 02:00 and my Taxi to the aero-port was at 04:00... so that was all for this year

First day... 10 hours.
 As many of you know, I don't take breaks so this was 10 hours.
I haven't done a Mechano Dragon in at least 12 years... however the lack of scales speeds up the process and we were able to cover a lot of area in record time.
We finished at 02:30 and were being hasseled by security to get out, so I never got a decent photo of it :-(

Second day... Yggdrasil chest piece on fellow tattooist J.C.
Took about 7 hours to tattoo after I had drawn it up to fit his chest. I'd have loved to have done it about 40% bigger... but still a kickass piece :-) 

Tattooed this on Luigi last year but he dropped by for some more dots in the tip of the tail which looked unfinished when peeking out from under his T-shirt

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