Saturday 15 December 2012

Tattoo World 2013 Calendar

Last Year I was invited by Marisa Kakoulas to submit photos to her first American publication... a book called Tattoo World. This year the publishers of Tattoo World decided to come out with a calendar version of the same book for the holiday season. Being that Tattoo World contains work from 150 of the top tattoo artists in the world it was impossible to cut it down to just 12 photos and still represent the scope of the book. Unfortunately the photos had to be smaller montages for each page... however on the plus side, you get more incredible work to look at :-) Each month contains tattoos which are based loosely in the same style. I'm very proud to have had 3 of my tattoos represented... November a Viking Grylemask backpiece is placed together with ornamental work from my friends Daniel DiMattia, Nazareno and Cory Ferguson

while in December 2 of my dragon pieces are slipped in amongst the more colourful asian offerings.
   Hope you all have a Happy Holidays - Colin

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