Sunday, 16 December 2012

Artistic Process / Year of the Dragon

Finished up a few Dragons this week and figured I should post them before the New Year. Of course on the Asian calendar that isn't before February... but just in case the Mayan calendar is correct :-)

Freehand calf wrap over 2 visits on an Italian client... went more asymetrical on this one, which I think also works better dynamically 

Finally finished the Quadrupal Dragon Sleave, but still have to get some better healed pictures of it after New Year

Finished up Allan's sleaves... 2 Dragons on the right forearm and a 3 dragon chest and sleave on the left. The right chest and shoulder are not my work. All of the dragons have different scales.

Finished the Yin-Yang Dragons as well... used sharper scales in the one and softer/rounder scales in the other

1 comment:

  1. Very very good, scratch that,F#@kin brilliant , work of art
