Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Liv Magasinet September 2014

What says "Fuck Jantelov" better than Nanna?
Liv Magazinet September issue attacks the Scandinavian Jantelov by interviewing women who think and act outside the box  

There are ten rules in the “Law of Jante” as defined by author Aksel Sandemose, all expressive of variations on a single theme and usually referred to as a homogeneous unit: You are not to think you're anyone special or that you're better than us.

The ten rules state:

You're not to think you are anything special.
You're not to think you are as good as we are.
You're not to think you are smarter than we are.
You're not to convince yourself that you are better than we are.
You're not to think you know more than we do.
You're not to think you are more important than we are.
You're not to think you are good at anything.
You're not to laugh at us.
You're not to think anyone cares about you.
You're not to think you can teach us anything.
These ten principles or commandments are often claimed to form the "Jante's Shield" of the Scandinavian people.

In the book, the Janters who transgress this unwritten 'law' are regarded with suspicion and some hostility, as it goes against the town's communal desire to preserve harmony, social stability and uniformity.

An eleventh rule recognized in the novel as 'the penal code of Jante' is:

Perhaps you don't think we know a few things about you?


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