Friday, 8 August 2014

"The Spirit Behind the Tattoo" Werkbank030 publications 2014

I´m always honoured when a publisher contacts me about submitting to a book. As an artist it is a great opportunity to share my thoughts and works and working with archaeology and anthropology it also allows me to share a little of my culture :-)
When Maria contacted me I was in a bit of a dillema as I was in the middle of writing a chapter on Nordic tattooing for Edition Reuss' "Black Tattoo Art 2" which is also a German publication :-( However as I was submitting only Nordic work to Reuss  this gave me an opportunity to show some of my other work in cultural tattooing as well as a lot more hand tattooing.
As a special bonus there are also chapters on Dmitry Babakhin and Mike Amanita... two of our favorite guest artists at Skin&Bone 

Cover with photo of Mark "Little Swastika" a very talented and controvercial artist who I had the pleasure of interviewing for one of the first issues of Z-tattoo magazine
Back cover with artwork of Mark, Dmitry, myself  and others including Valentin Hirsch who I've also had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing

The idea behind the book and the reason why they chose the artists they featured
Unfortunately I don't read German :-(

A photo taken by Nanna as a tattooed Eric using the ash of his father at Lejre a few Summers back

 A fantastic piece I had the pleasure of hand tattooing on Søren Ravn

 A selection of hand tattooing together some larger machine work from over the years

 Haida Eagle tattooed by hand

 More hand tattooing... Johnathan with a Day of the Dead chest piece, a tattoo machine tattooed without machine and a Haida design sewn into Inge Mette's forearm

 And finally a short interview :-)

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